JohnSu Goes to AM2 2012

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Here it is - the thing a select few of you have been waiting for!
This was my first convention tabling as an artist in the alley, so it was quite a milestone. It went quite well, and I'm glad I did it. Anyhow, most of what I want to say is in the swf above, and what I didn't say will be down here:
p1 (title) - AM2 stood for "Animation, Manga, and Music," I believe.
p3 (coworker) - The advice was actually more like to use the vertical space available, and to not print too much. Apparently a common first-timer mistake is to make stuff in bulk for the discounted price.
p4 (cheeseballs) - I actually got two tubs. Saving the second one for Anime Expo.
p5 (print selection) - this is the one: [link]
p6 (manga) - I really should get around to finishing this, but now I feel as though I want to rewrite it (while I do enjoy writing back stories, they are quite different from story-stories).
p9 (beard) - I just stopped shaving for like a month, to see how far I could carry a beard. I'll probably clean up for AX, though. Some people don't like it.
p10 (boat) - S.S.O.T.P. = S.S. One True Pairing, I think
p11 (doodles) - I need to scan these and upload them some time. Either that, or just draw them as actual deviations. As an aside, someone later ended up buying the Link on a Pig sketch. O_O
p13 (laughter) - this was pretty satisfying, actually, even if I didn't make any sales.
p15 (water) - The plus side was, no water = no bathroom breaks. Also, thanks to =RabuRabbit for giving me some bottled water! She and her sister were the friends on the next page.
p17 (commissions) - It wasn't.
p18 (guestbook) - It was just the paper that the guestbook was supposed to be on (but had gotten misplaced). Thanks ~prince-opeo for leaving the beatiful centaur mural!
p19 (sales) - I had not brought more than 4 of any size of print, since I did not know what would sell and what would not. I unfortunately forgot to account for three things:1) I would be there multiple days, 2) I would have another con afterwards to sell leftovers, and 3) you guys! Thanks for your support!
p20 (interview) - Nice dude, actually. Didn't beat me or anything. Wonder what became of that interview?
p21 (sketchjam) - many things in the illustrations are an exaggeration. This one, however, is not.
p24 (oily lunch) - thankfully, nothing got oiled. I did have one customer pick his own print out of the envelope, though, for fear of my greasing it.
p25 (lessons) - maybe I'll share more of these in a journal after AX.
p26 (gifts) - Thanks y'all! It was really heartwarming to receive these.
Alright, that's it! Gotta go to work! See ya!
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