JohnSu Goes to AX 2009


As the title and the deviation and a journal entry earlier this month as well as a few AX reports from other deviants may suggest, yes, I did go to Anime Expo in the year of 2009.

It was pretty fun and also pretty disappointing. Last year I spent all my time on the merchant floor, so this year I was going to try attending some panels to get a more fleshed out experience. It is now my belief that the experience is made better if you attend panels you are actually interested in.

People I met there:
=Wasil and ~LarkIsMyName (the poop!), from whom I received Ferrero Rocher to construct a foil Pikachu from. Ended up bumming around there the most.
=Raburabbit and her sister ~Ruby-Heart, who gave me a Luka pin (which I have tacked on to my laptop bag. Totally not girly at all).
~KyokoMakashiro and her sister and also her friends (~xNeyu was one of them, I think?).
~fevertrick was one of the two fans I ran into. I hit her hand when she raised it against me.
While it sounds like I met only girls, at the end we did meet one of ~PixelSmith's friends who was part of the AX staff! He was sweaty and tired.

In the end I bought a doggy keychain from =Wasil and a DVD because I felt compelled to or else something terrible might happen. Also for fun I got a Kagami Miku, which is now glaring at me from my desk at work.

Anyhow, I'll probably go back next year. I'll get this right one day...

For the interested, here is last year's report: [link]

Made in Flash

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Johnsu
Language: en
Year: 2009