JohnSu Goes to AX 2010

Well, it's been over a week since I came back from it, but here is my report!
(for the new guys, here's 2009 and 2008)
This felt like a more successful visit this year, probably because I didn't try to do as much and thus did not encounter so much failure. Oh, and also because the people I met were cool. That was important, too.
The Breath of Chameleon cosplayer was :iconarthriticpie:, I believe (I did not confirm this, but I'm thinking so since it is unlikely there were two people cosplaying as Lyle Perlin. Then I would be sad for not having found the other). It was really cool, and even had the bad skin thing going on. Thanks for letting me see one of my brain-children in the flesh before I meet an untimely death!
One of these days I'm going to have to try to set up a table at the Artist's Alley. Even better if I can like, make something useful and/or cool. And sell it.
This report is about 20% accurate, with many of the things that were said and done in the pictures being completely made up by me as I was making this.
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