JohnSu Goes to PAX 2010


Even though I said I wouldn't make one, I am apparently not as much a man of my word as I thought I was.

It only been 2 months since my last convention report, but I am vain and weak willed so here it is!

Anyhow, PAX was cool. We finally got to talk about our game, and I also got to wander around and see a lot of cool stuff other people were making. I am probably going to buy all the games on the Cool Stuff Page of this report. Except the wooden plate (which was free and came with food on top of it).

Well, that's about it. Thanks to everybody who visited me, even when I was not actually at the booth; it was a pleasure and an honor meeting you all in person!

Made in Flash

EDIT: Here's the wooden plate, you guys [link]

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Johnsu
Language: en
Year: 2010