Just Jump


Just Jump. Its not that hard. Come on. You can do it.

Author Comments:

--Dont jump in the fire
--unless you hate your Browser
Use arrow keys to move.
The rest is explained ingame
I made this game to motivate myself.
It took a little less than 12 hours (with some breaks) to create and I am pretty proud of it, since this is the first game that I made conveys some sort of message while actually being playable.
I wanted to motivate myself to finally finish my biger project (a version of "dance dance wizard" that should have a playtime of about 40 minutes).
I hope it works.
EDIT 2016:
I made Dance dance Wizard. In fact, I made it twice. It was not good enough for publication, twice.
Feed back is (as always) appreciated.

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: StuffedWombat
Language: en
Year: 2016