Kat Killah 2


EDIT: Go to instructions and then next page, and there it will tell you what you need to do to unlock weapons. Once you fulfill a requirement, the game should give you a password, enter the password in the password section (can get to through the main menu)

It's bit awhile since the first Kat Killah, and believe me, it was worth the wait. It's ALOT better then the first one.

- left and right arrows move
- space is shoot

You can choose from 5 different weapons this time including: A Glock, Desert Eagle, Uzi, AK-47, and a M4-A1

Sorry if I got something wrong like the number of bullets a gun can hold, I'm not a gun freak, DON'T YELL AT ME!

Also, the game may be a bit laggy, depending on how fast your computer is

Credits again include tomylee, felipe, and markus frommeyer ( I still can't draw ;_; )

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: kenny
Language: en
Year: 2008