Keep Talking

This game requires a microphone.
(fake comments)
alfredo said "This is suprisingly addictive"
chris said "took me awhile to configure my microphone, but it was worth it"
(explanation from
Ever yell at your computer before? Ever do it while laughing? This simple physics-based puzzle game has one twist: you use your microphone to play. We created this hoping that people would laugh at themselves, and it certainly works.
The Best of 3934 Comments:
"this is the best game EVER!!!" - lol
"Level 9 frustrated the hell out of me and I hate you for it" -
"ahahahahahah its hard cause i can't just talkk i have to yell" - piecee
"it made my voice squeky in the mornig1 dont go on it! i couldnt tlk for 2!days!" - sophie
"this whole website sux. the games are so damn boring!!!" - get a life
"So awesome but in the end I had a sore throat but it was fun I didnt get past level : Keep away" - Girl you dont know