Kick a Migrant


Kick a Migrant – THE VIRAL GAME. In November 2007, amnesia was the first digital agency (ever) to be invited to participate in the ADNEWS MOCK ADS.

THE BRIEF:HOW WOULD YOU CHANGE THE PERCEPTION OF MIGRANTS?Australians are suspicious of migrants and more of us than not believe our intake is too high. A common perception is that migrants steal jobs from hard-working Australians. Create an ad promoting immigration as being of benefit to the country’s economy and/or cultural heart.

OUR ANSWER:KICK A MIGRANT – A game based on the extremely popular Flight Sim X paper plane game, (developed late 2006 by amnesia and has now passed 200 Million games played).

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, play through and see what happens at the end…

UPDATE: WE DARE YOU to join the Facebook group… remember this is an experimental viral campaign – we ask, “Would you be willing to say you’ve ‘kicked a Migrant?'” JOIN NOW!

Developer: Amnesia
Tag: Arcade, Toss
Language: en
Year: 2006