Kill Boe 2

Edit: Daily 10th? You guys are a bunch of teases:P
Edit 2 [21/11/2015]: After a few people recently started checking this game out again, and sending me a few messages, I decided to add a small medal to incentivize others to come check this out again. So please enjoy!
Note: This is more of a movie than a game, but I consider it a game. So please vote based on it's comedic value, and such, rather than gameplay.
A funny little game featuring 14 different ways to kill our main character, Boe.
Each death has it's own humorous and unexpected twist.
A couple years ago (about 2005), when first working with flash, I made Kill Boe. Looking back on it, it was an embarrassing effort, which sucked pretty bad. Seeing as I was new to flash, and attempted to make the sound-fx myself.
So I thought it would be cool to revisit the movie, and completely redo EVERYTHING.
This was originally going to be called Kill Boe SE, but I think this one is different enough to be considered a completely new thing.
A big thanks goes out to my sponsor, ArcadeVoid. I really appreciate you taking a chance on my little game, and you were a great guy to work with. Again, it's really appreciated.