Kingdom Hearts: Dark Secrets: Chapter 1: Solution Part 1

((( This isnt the accual RPG, just a preview )))
EDIT: 1,000 views
alota faves = 1. Thanks to you and specially those
who faved it!! :)
2. My 1st deviation that passed 1,000 :D
thank you all again! ;3
btw glitches are really possible due to how crappy and left-overy i was on the Action script -_-
Screen shots from DS 2:
Tim sketch of the 2nd game
Play KH dark secrets 2:
Double Edit:
Dark secrets part 2 isnt going to be created anymore and has been canceled, due to risk of being sued~
EDIT: Preview changed and file size decreased!,so now u guys wont wait long anymore :)
if its not working plz inform me
plz use the head phones when ever possible (Effects u have not herd will be herd) :D
any sound or song that isn't recognible is mostly recorded and mixed by myself....or found<--low probability ;3
The Characters a kh song remixed by me so dont expect to find anything new on limewire or so ;P
"This is a fan fiction of kingdom hearts"
The first isn't much of a game, There was ment to be a chapter one with out parts...but once i went really far i thought of cutting a small part of the chapter and anyway my drawing style chaged :]
Hope you'll enjoy/u enjoyed it cuz this is the crapiest grahics for the squel ;3 dispite the intro and after game featues i worked on them these few days ^-^
Facts: 12 FPS ( T_T i usually animate18 onwards)-I began a long time ago then later i picked it up and fixed it a little exept the story...i didnt touch the story...(too lazy :P)
i know Dave Cathaway doesnt luk liek himself in the story...
but my recent inlustration of him and Tim are better.
and yes....dave is an emo~... :S