Knight Tactics


Custimize a party of 5 units and destroy your enemies in this tactical-rpg.

Author Comments:

Thanks for the front page, I still can't believe this made it to the front page. Thanks newgrounds.
*Tell me what you want to see!*
I'm now taking ideas/improvements/whatev er for when I start knight tactics 2. I take all suggestions into consideration, so review my game and tell me what you want to see! (Don't get the idea i'm working on KT2, right now i'm working on an other game. You can check my user page for some info)
*this isn't a copy of fft*
This is a basic tactical-rpg, move, attack next turn. I came up with all of the classes myself, which is hard to do because square-enix has come up with everything. If you still want to call me a copycat go ahead but i'm going to make you eat your own words in the future.
*version 1.8 update* dec 15/07
Note before telling me something wasn't fixed please check the version of the game your playing.
Now when you press the Q key it will quit the level and it will advance you to the next level. Hopefully lvls past 12 will work, if not then theres some glitch in the system.
The save game glitch reported by sharurotto has been fixed. Note you have to start a new game if you have gotten the problem.
*Some game tips*
Press Q to quit the game, and advance to the next level.
Press b to bypass cutscenes
Press N for the game to output debugging information
You can now use the hotkeys listed below:
a - move, s - attack, d - ability, f - wait turn
Use the arrow keys to move the map.
Press the h key to hide the tiles, so you can see all the units on the map.
Press the space bar to move the map to the active unit.
When casting spells, they reach out by one tile. Enemy targets don't have to be on a red tile to cast a spell on them. But you do have to select a red tile to start the spell.
Note - This is my first real game. It didn't turn out exactly as how I imagined it. Anyway I learned a lot from making this game and my next game will be 10 times better.

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: lautan
Tag: Strategy
Language: en
Year: 2007