Kripke's Book of Records


Sorry, I've not been on dA for a quite long time, but now you know why. (: And a little reminder, that I'm trying to move on (since I still don't know how to have a premium to change my name here xD)

In this game you will spend a whole day with Sam and Dean Winchesters who will help you become a true hunter.

The series consists of four mini games. You will hunt ghosts, paint sigils, shoot and look for monsters! The main purpose here, is to earn as much "records" (achievements) as possible. When you are finished, you can take a look at the Book of Records and re-play every mission. When you're done with collecting achievements, you can spend the evening after hard day chilling out with brothers at the bar.

I don't own Supernatural universe, neither images from Google nor Photoshop and Flash. (: Made just for fun, because I'm a big fan of the show. And also I've dreamed about making this kind of a game, like, for a couple of years. Maybe, one beautiful day someone from the show will see and play it. *bigdream* Khem, I mean, hope you will have joy too!

Was presented on ru-fandom fest «Байки-6» on russian. Thanks to my friend Raviness, it was finally translated on english, as many of you asked me (I wrote this 'about' thing by myself, you can see why I didn't translate game without help (: ).

So, go for it! Learn how to be a good huner. Your comments, opinions and etc. send wherever you can find me, I'll be happy and probably I'll make a few jumps around while read it. (:

VICEMIR (ВИЦЕМИР), 2014 | | [email protected] | |
Raviness |

Publisher: DeviantArt
Language: en
Year: 2014