Krrish Indian Super Hero Game

The cheat code for unlimited lives and super attacks is
Message for Krrish Fans
For the first time in the Indian games history, a realistic game on the theme of the super hit movie Krrish has been made.
No doubt not only the game is interesting but it is realistic too. It is a great pleasure to play the game and an ever rich experience. This is a true entertainer to entertain people.
Krrish Game is totally free and can be downloaded and play free of cost.
The developers of this game has put in lots of effort and time to develop this game just to entertain all Krrish fans.
If you really like this game, we will appreciate your concern and your donation will be great encouragement for these new talents to come up and encourage the Author to further develop, making possible new releases of more Krrish Games with more entertainment, story and action.
So do not hesitate in donating, looking forward for your heartiest cooperation.