Labyrinth: Secrets of ShadowHaven


Crawl mysterious, randomly-generated dungeons!

Author Comments:

Enter the randomly-generated castle labyrinths of Shadow Haven to defeat the dark forces of evil that lurk within. Find permanent power-ups to aid you in your 4-legged quest, but be careful... one false step will start you over from square-one in this roguelike platformer!
Compete for the highest score by crawling through the most dungeons!
Try FULLSCREEN mode for total immersion!
DEFAULT CONTROLS (Customize-able from Main Title Screen):
A = Jump
S = Attack
D = Grenade/Missile (if you have a weapon and ammo)
P = Pause
R = Reset
M = Go to Main Title Screen
F = Toggle Fullscreen Mode
Toggle Sound = (available from pause menu)
Note: Experiencing teleporting or excessive lag? Use Firefox or Internet Explorer, Chrome's flash player is bugged! Also, try playing in FULLSCREEN mode.

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: PestoForce
Language: en
Year: 2014