Lord of The Rings & Hobbit Scene Maker

Dress up Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit characters and arrange them in a scene! Create fierce armor and beautiful elven gowns fit for queens and princesses, as well as hobbits!
After months of production, Azalea and I are very proud to bring you this extensive creation. You can choose from 10 types of characters to add to the scene (2 genders x 5 races: human, elf, hobbit, dwarf, wizard). Initially, there were only going to be male wizards (to reflect the LotR & Hobbit movies), but due to overwhelming beta tester feedback, we gave in and added the most elusive of Middle Earth creatures: the female wizard =D
We couldn't do everything, but we tried to include most items and features to create many characters from the original LotR movies and the new Hobbit movie. This includes Arwen, Eowyn, Aragorn, Bilbo (young & old), Frodo, Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond, Legolas, Gimli, Thorin, Fili, Kili, Balin and there's even a drag-and-drop Smeagol/Gollum.
I would like to thank all of the many beta testers who's feedback was crucial to fine tuning this lovely dress up game. I wasn't able to fix all glitches due to the gigantic span of this game, but together we did manage to iron out countless others.