Lucid dream 01


Today I was lucky enough to (in my dream) enter in a lake and starting to run out of air and breath water, just to realize that I was breating air and I was dreaming, so I started to go fast to nowhere exactly, I swim and flew very fast, it was great, then during a change of scene I showed to my dreammates how cool I was, the best part was that no one could do nothing to stop me, not in my dream

this comic is more less the concious part, then I think I lose consciousness and kept dream normally, but maybe not and the dream ended near there.

just fly and swim very fast and destroy and reconstruct a basketball ball was all I did in a lucid dream, what a waste, If I have another or start mastering this I hope I could have more intresting dreams

BTW I wanted to presume my powers in my dream, so my friends in my dream where the only ones I could show it, I know, I was so asshole XD but it was fun

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Mythical-Human
Language: en
Year: 2009