Madness Tf2 inspired game

I doubt any of you will read this, but I feel I must explain a few things. Madness day is like my whole existence. I've seen it's greatness, and I've seen its folleys. Now I'm here to tell you why I'm writing this, and why I submited this game. I think I'm gonna need some of your help. I was making a flash movie for this madness day but something terribly went wrong. The file was 166 mb and it's making flash really slow. The file I was working on got effed up because of the slowness. When I opened it, Flash stops working. I tried to open it with flash cs 5 but It didn't work. I emailed Adobe but they havn't responded yet. Pls help because the movie was more than 4 minutes long, and it looked way better than all the movies I have made.I submited this game because I want to make a madness shit. So thanks for playing, I know you'll hate it. It was inspired by Tf2. When you shoot, the frame rate goes higher for some reason. The song is called 'Ruska' by Apocalyptica.Thanks 4 playing and have a good Madness day.