Magus Draconus: The Art of Dragon Breeding

As the Dragon Mage, you must breed the ultimate dragons to raid the city at the base of your mountain. But it won’t be long before they strike back, possibly under the leadership of a fearsome Dragonslayer.
This game was created in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 24. If you like it, please rate it on the Ludum Dare website here:
Click a dragon to start breeding.
Might helps your dragons fight in general.
Assault helps your dragons fight city leaders.
Dread helps your dragons fight city troops.
Eggs make your dragons more fertile.
Scales help your dragons heal injuries faster.
Rage helps your dragons raid the city and penalizes lair defense, Scheming does the opposite.
Infernus strengthens your dragons during Summer and penalizes them during Winter, Glacius does the opposite.
During a raid, Bloodthirst gives a bonus to killing enemy troops and penalizes gold gained, Avarice does the opposite.