Make Axel Fabulous


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I was amazed to find that no one had made one of these for Axel yet. Either that, or I just can't find it. If there is one out there somewhere, could someone link me to it? I love playing around with these things.
Well, anyway, I decided to make my own.
Ick, the preview I made in Paint is so ugly.
This took me what feels like forever, even though it was only a few days, and most of the clothes were made in one sitting yesterday. So far, I've used up a total of 10 days on my Flash 8 free trial, working on this and my Anko one.
I think I've improved considerably. I made more outfits, and they're much more complex than the ones Anko has. I also started by making a list of the outfits I wanted so that I didn't forget what I wanted to make halfway through making it.
His face was difficult to draw, but I think I managed it pretty well. And if his proportions look extremely weird, blame the Kingdom Hearts drawing style. I tried to keep to it. Axel is so freakishly skinny. He might just look skewed though, with his super long legs, tiny hips, and big hands... -_-
The amazing thing about this is I've never ever drawn Axel before. I think I'm definitely improving when it comes to drawing with a mouse.
There used to be pants to go with the Organization XIII uniform, but they came out looking ugly, and you couldn't see 'em under the cloak, so...
I know his undergarments look weird, but what's a girl to do? I wanted to allow him to wear low pants without drawing the weird manthong-looking stuff that ends up on a lot of these things I see. There are some parts of Axel I'm just... not comfortable with. o_O; So, voila, weird, low, boxerbrief-lookin' things. When I went back to try to add a fly on them later, it looked weird. Whatever. He's uh... wearing bike shorts.

Axel hails from Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 2. Square Enix owns them, and thereby owns him.
The Pokemon people own Team Rocket and their uniforms.
And Hot Topic owns those red pants. If a pair of pants can be copyrighted.
I guess somebody owns the orange tuxedo, too, but I don't know who that would be.
Oh yeah, and [link] owns the Flame Shirt and Flame Pants. Used without permission. Same is true for all of this stuff, actually.
And I'm ranting again.

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: MeowMeowKy
Language: en
Year: 2006