methlab comic maker

Placing objects doesn't work
please enjoy making a scene.
Author Comments:
Just click the characters you want to use, and drag to position them. For speech bubbles, do the same, and then type your text within the bubble. The big red "Change scene" button will... that's right, murder your entire family and bake their remains in a cake... and by that, I mean change the background of the picture.
For further assistance, click the help button within the flash file.
note: Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments/costructive criticism! I really appreciate it. I just wanted to note that this was actually a project I made for school; it was the *very first flash website I ever made*, so I realize that it could use some improvement :) also, I kinda made it to cater to people like myself (i.e. those obsessed with Hello Kitty, Sanrio, and any other cute crap ^_^) so I can understand it not being very interesting to those who are not too interested in that kinda stuff. Sorry about that! :/
But yes, thanks again for everyone's comments! :) next time I make a comic maker (as I'm not sure I'll be updating this one, since I haven't in two years. haha) I'll keep everyone's suggestions in mind.
Feel free to post your creation on your website, blog, Livejournal, etc. but PLEASE, PLEASE I ask of you, unless you are the original creator of these characters (and/or a lawyer/company representing them) please don't reuse my fanart on your website or in LJ/bbs/etc. icons or avatars. (For more info, check out this site: )
I really appreciate it, thank you :)
I would really, really, really appreciate it if you linked back to this site, after posting your creation, so that others can waste their precious time while they could be doing something productive (and also, I'd enjoy getting the referrals and seeing other people's creations! :) )... but it's not like I can hunt you down and kill you if you don't.... most likely, at least. du du du...
Here's a copy/paste code if you wanna use it:
If you too would like to waste your time on yet another "make your own thingy"... thingy make one of these super duper fun comics GO HERE NOW!!!1111 NOWWW!!!11111 OMFG DU IT
original artist list here:
The music is from "The Digital Encyclopedia Of Sound Effects"; I had to abbreviate it in the submit box, sorry about that.
please feel free to visit the original site, here: