Mighty N#2 - Cryo Moveset


+ Stance - OK
+ Charge Attack - OK
+ Running - the previous animation went AWOL...Will have to redo it. - 4th/06- Running OK.
+ Jump - 2nd/06 Added Jump (animated on sixes) - 6th/6 Jump OK.
+ Block - OK
+ Normal Attack Combo - 12th/6 OK
+ Damage Knock-back - 14th/6 OK
+ Mighty Finisher - Ice Breaker -23rd/8 OK
Completion: 100%
I'm going to push it through and complete Cryo and Dyna movesets asap.

There is work to be done for the backgrounds Stages too...
At this point, I don't mind a helping hand.
1- NBCA Coliseum
2- Dr White V.R Training Program
3- Sunset Highway (Brandish Stage)
Got ideas on these? Just let me know.

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Tindyflow / Ed Bay
Language: en
Year: 2018