Minecraft Tower Defence 2
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Welcome to Minecraft Tower Defence 2.
In the original, you had 3 almost identical maps to play on with 8 items in total. Now, there is over 16 completely varied maps with a huge 18 items to play around with!
You take on the role of newbie, Steve, who has just bought Minecraft. Just after he managed to settle in, a white-eyed griefer explodes his entire village! Steve was the only survivor.
You must learn the way of MCTD2 by completing missions and unlocking new items. This game saves automatically but your save will be deleted if you clear your browsers cookies :(
Once you've completed Adventure Mode you will have unlocked all standard items in the game. Put your skills to the test in the everlasting waves of mobs on any of the 12 maps you beat in the Adventure Mode. Each map has its own leaderboard so do you have what it takes to top any of the leaderboards!?
Challenges are directly linked with medals. Adventure Mode challenges are completed by clearing missions and reward with standard items. Item challenges are unlocked by using an item so many times which unlock bonus items or make them cheaper in game.
We're really trying to make this game better for you. Thanks thus far.
- Slime dispensers durations upgrade display price is no longer incorrect. The power has also been 'nerfed' since it was almost double the strength of an Arrow Dispenser.
- You can now UNDO each dug block by pressing U.
- TNT Dispenser can now be unlocked.
- Enemies shouldn't freeze in certain spots. If you find a spot which they do, please message me the map.
- Various other bug fixes
- Endermen teleport through EVERY corner
- The End is easier to reset your path, and prices reset during each phase.
- Challenges should now all be in sync with medals.
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