Minnie & Malism: Budget squad!
Budget Squad is a two-ships shoot-em-up made in 48h for the Ludum Dare 26. The theme was “Minimalism“.
“Soldiers! Defense budget has been cut again. Our elite squad now only have ONE weapon and ONE spotlight left. Minnie will take the light, and Malism, the gun.
Oh and, almost forgot: we also had to sell Malism’s submarine armor on EBay to bail out the budget. So, try to avoid bullets from now on.”
Your goal is to max out your score using the combo system: the more you kill, the more you get. But don’t wait too long between two kills or your might lose your combo multiplier.
Arrows or WASD
Move the active submarine
Switch the submarine you control
Toggle quality (if the game slows down)
Toggle music
Skip intro or tutorial