Miss Universe Singapore 2010 Evening Wear Fitting - May 9th 2010 Virtual Reality Image


The Miss Universe Singapore Pageant finals will be held on May 28th 2010. The 16 finalists gathered at Hayden Boutique today to try on their evening wear.

The contestants arrived at different times (between 1230-1600hrs) and were photographed separately using a Digital SLR. They were later edited into a seamless VR image.

Fashion designer, Hayden Ng matches dresses to each of the contestants and dispenses valuable tips to everyone.

For more information about the pageant, visit the Derrol Stepenny Promotions website

For more information about Hayden Boutique, visit Hayden's website www.haydensingapore.com

Publisher: Singapore VR
Developer: Aram Pan
Language: en
Year: 2010