Missangest Avatar Creator


Here it finally is! I gotta tell you, it was a bit scary to make this. A lot of sites have their own avatar creator games and many of them are absolutely amazing, I really felt the pressure when making this. But hopefully you enjoy it! šŸ™‚

I realised later on in the progress that the head is a bit too big which makes the character looks really young, by then I had already done pretty much half of the game so I kept it as it was. Just thought Iā€™d let you know that Iā€™m aware of this šŸ™‚

On to the news in this game:

1. Transparent lips option
You can now remove the lipstick if you want to, this feature will stay in future games as well šŸ™‚

2. Color palette update
The main color palette has been updated, the colors have all been slightly desaturated to look better when combined with each other. The last row of desaturated colors has been removed and replaced with another row of lighter colors.

For other webmasters:
You may post this game on your website, download the game here: https://www.missangestgames.com/wp-content/uploads/games/Avatar-Creator.swf

Developer: Missangest
Language: en
Year: 2017