Monster Haircut


This human girl is in love with a vampire boy and she is very sad because they cannot be together. But true love always finds a way and she decides to get herself a monster makeover and get herself to look like one too. The hair is the most important part, because it still has to look attractive. Use your imagination to make it look fabulous. You can use a comb or a blow dryer to get it in the direction you want, a pair of scissors to cut it to the length you desire and even an electric razor if you want to shave it off. But don't worry, you also have a magic lotion to make it grow back. Use a curling iron or a straightening iron and dye it in one or many fun colors. Now that she has a new hairstyle you can dress her up and apply smart make-up to get her to look like a monster. Have fun playing this exciting game!

Publisher: Playpink
Language: en