Monster Skin-Problem


This ghoul from Monster High has a bit of a skin problem and she can't have that if she wants to be popular, so she came to you to help her fix the issue. Use a syringe to make the warts on her face go away. She also has a scalp irritation that you can help remove by using a cotton ball dipped in a calming solution. With a spray you can help the hair grow back too. You can also use a special spray to remove the black spots on the nose. Pop out her pimples and then apply a concealing cream to cover the remaining scars. Use laser therapy to get rid of the freckles on her nose. She also has some scars on her face, make sure you patch them up. Use water to clean her face and wipe her dry with a towel. Finally pull any hair with a pair of tweezers. Now that she has a bright skin you can choose a cute tattoo. Good luck!

Publisher: Playpink
Language: en