My Little Dashie - Alpha

WARNING: In order to unlock the two new achievements, you must start a new game. I'm sorry for the inconvenience
Based on, but not the same story, as the My Little Dashie fanfic. This game is still under construction
This game was one of the first works I've ever done with an RPG engine in Flash. This game is based on the story of My Little Dashie, where a man finds Rainbow Dash in a box outside his apartment door. I thought, wouldn't it be interesting to be in the man's shoes.
So I developed this game. You fight with Rainbow Dash and you must work your way up the ranks to beat the boss. A lot like Pokemon. This game features a story (incomplete), battles, shops, and ranks.
ATTACKER: Attacker is a one-pony army. Rainbow Dash can deal lots of damage and has a wide assortment of attacks. She can't take damage very well though, and has no way of lowering the opponent's defences. Any Level Up Point spent on Attack will get a bonus upgrade.
DEFENDER: Defender is the tank. Rainbow Dash can take a lot of damage and can affect the opponent's defence and offence. She can't damage too effectively, and she only has one move. Any Level Up Point spent on Defence will get a bonus upgrade.
BALANCED: Balanced is the middle ground. Able to take and deal damage. Rainbow Dash gets both status affecting moves and damaging ones, however they are not as effective as the other classes. Any Level Up Point spent of AP Recovery will get a bonus upgrade.
Fighting is different from Pokemon as you fight using a system called the Attack Point system. You use Attack Points (or AP) to fight the enemy. Better moves consume more AP. To gain more AP, you must defend yourself and rest. There are items you can use to help sway the battle, such as Health Potions and AP Potions.
Some enemies may be too tough to even damage. Make sure you level up your stats before fighting the boss.
Have fun, and tell me what you love and want changed.