My Little Pony Halloween Fun

Twilight Sparkle has a missing objects list and she wants to complete it fast because the Halloween night is here and she don't have all her necessary things on the list. We don't know why she needs this weird Halloween stuff because it is a mystery but some mouths say that it is talking about a spell competition with other ponies for the Halloween night and Twilight wants absolutely to win this competition. We don't know for sure if this is her target but we can only suppose. Use the mouse to collect all missing objects from the My Little Pony backyard but this is not that simple because you don't have to be seen by any of the other ponies because if they see you, you are gonna be caught and your secret plan is going to be ruined. It would be a real shame so please, avoid this and use your insight and ability to beware of the other ponies or anybody who walk there. You can hide behind a something you find around but do it quickly because you better hide that get caught and ruin your winning spell competition plan!