Mysterious Muffin Mercenary Mare


So you thought Cadance and Shining Armor defeated Chrysalis? Pfff!! This is what really happened!

I've been thinking: Since my other games are too easy, the gallery needs a harder game. Please tell me if the game is too easy so I can make it harder.

number1croc gave me the idea for the name.

Since some people are asking: You can find the link for the music in the game's main menu. Or just click here: [link](

Version 1.1 changes:
* Made the music louder (insert RD's "LOUDER" face here)
* Adjusted Derpy's hitbox a bit
* Vertical acceleration of bolts from the 2nd wave attack increased so they won't fly too high and come down very late
* Added delay to mines from the 4th wave attack before they start attacking
* Added a fancy animation when Chrysalis is defeated

Feel free to use this on your personal website if you want to.

I wonder if this game has some kind of cheat code...

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Futzi01
Language: en
Year: 2012