N-Tech: BattleGrounds


Adrenaline-pumping action as you strengthen your station while defeating rival factions.

A combination of puzzle and action shooter, this addicting, mind-stimulating game has four unique play modes, three cinematics, four gigantic levels, scores of enemy types, four complex bosses, dozens of unlockable features, and a great story with fun characters.
EDIT: Yes, we adjusted the difficulty curve. We almost wish we could reupload it because that was the main beef with the game and it's now corrected.
PRO TIP: You aren't dodging or trying to destroy everything on screen, just that which is in the area of your device. Also remember it's not vital to collect every single nano, just keep your energy bar in the positive and you're good. DON'T BE OVERWHELMED. Play it cool. And don't give up fast. Once it comes to you and you get the hang of it, you'll enjoy it.
THERE ARE CHECKPOINTS. If you click "Try again" upon game over, you can start on the same phase or boss you died on, rather than having to start over.
Hope you enjoy! And thanks to all you awesome people who played the game, gave us your feedback and encouragement, and kept us going! And thanks to all you awesome people playing and reviewing/voting for this game! You people also keep us going.
Collect nanos to keep your station operational while avoiding assaults from enemy bots. Keep an eye on your energy and health meters!
Harvest nanos of the same color as your beam while avoiding other colors.
Gather glowing white nanos to restore health to your damaged systems while unarmed or with standard blaster. When armed with a special weapon, glowing white nanos will provide you with more ammo.
Take the tutorial for a better understanding if you don't catch on quickly.
P - To pause and again to unpause
E, Q - Select or switch weapons
W, A, S, D - Switch beam colors
Spacebar - Skip vital messages

Publisher: FreeWorldGroup
Language: en
Year: 2008