Naruto Couples Dress Up V2
Before you ask anything about my dress ups, please see if your question has already been answered in the Thank you.
Please don't ask me to add more characters! There are hundreds of characters in Naruto, I really am not interested in drawing more every time someone requests their favourite.
Kinda a remake of game, but this time as chibis (I got lazy) and more characters. Actually it was chapter 483 that inspired me to make this... So the entire idea for the game started from the chapter where Kishi trolled SasuSaku.
And yes, (still) no Hinata and SasuSaku is the way it is because I don't like them. And no amount of complaining/crying/whining/bitching/"just saying" will make me add them. No, going "you say you won't add Hinata, but I think you still should add her!" won't change anything. If you're desperate to dress up just Hinata and nobody else will do, I suggest you to search for "hinata dress up" on DA. You'll find plenty of them. But something gives me the feeling that thanks to the most vocal fans of Hinata, the good old will be of use again...
Yes, Zetsu's flytrap thing is missing because it was too troublesome. No yaoi or yuri options, because drawing a new base body would double the amount of work. Please don't ask for them. And yes, I know what happens to Karin, so angry SSers don't need to remind me about it. I like the game this way.
[edit]To those who are going to ask about Tobi: His mask is in Naruto clothes, put it on Obito or Shino.