Nephos' Closet - Dollmaker

Finally, semi-nudity! ;) He'd probably be just as happy without the shorts, but the point is to put clothes on him so we may as well start from here. His accessories are more about gardening, but there's some Fuzzy Moth Reuse in one of the backgrounds. ;)
Actual buttons! ( For the most part. ) And I have figured out how to do two-part items! ( Like his longer cloak - there's a front layer and a back layer so you can see his cloak behind his legs. ) ( Augh, Zefonith and his big hats and scarves and skirts is going to be nothing but two-part items. Nuisance goblin. )
Next: Possibly Basic Entomorph - I got some hints on the coding ( from a dollmaker who knows what she's doing, who probably doesn't need the plug, but who doesn't like site hits? ) so I might be able to muddle my way through it now. Or a non-TF 80's villain if I still feel ambitious but can't figure out the bugs. Or another Transformers palette-swapper if I give up in despair and want to soothe my ego with something easy.