Nerdy to Emo Makeover

Are you a nerdy girl with lots of spots on your face, wearing geek but not so chic glasses and pretty but not fashionable enough outfits? Do you want to change your boring nerdy look and look like the hottest emo diva? Well, girls, Nerdy to Emo Makeover game is the best emo styling guide for you, so get it started and see how easily you can turn yourself into a sophisticated and trendy emo girl just by following the transformation steps indicated in the Nerdy to Emo Makeover game! Start your transformation with a beauty treatment, then continue it with a makeup and hairstyling session and finish it off with dressing up session. Nerdy can be cool, but emo is even cooler, and when you have all the beauty and fashion secrets for a fab nerdy to emo makeover ready at hand for you girls to try on, everything is easy and so much fun!