NG Advent Calendar 2012

It's a count down to Christmas, NG Art Forum style!
Author Comments:
Open a window each day until Christmas to reveal a lovely image and earn a shiny medal for being a good lil' Newgrounder
Ver 1.1:
- Managed to get the Date & Time API working, so people who reset their CPU clocks are wasting their time.
- Added a few more medals until I got sleepy.
Ver 1.2:
- Added thumbnails to opened windows, so you know what image is behind them (and you can quit looking at the godawful pic that forms the main image).
- Fixed some of the artist names and links. Whoops.
- Switched some of the pics around for Day 12.
Ver 1.3 (hopefully the last major update):
- Will now Save opened windows. YES GET IN.
- Corrected the vertical alignment of some windows.
Ver 1.3.1 - 1.3.3
- Added some dates and a clear button.
- Some guys said they couldn't earn medals. I've added some leeway to the code which hopefully fixes this.
Ver 1.3.4
- Think I'm all done now. Time to enjoy that Christmas Eve beer! Merry Christmas!
**NOTE 1**
You can only gain medals if you open the door on the day. I'm a believer in making medals a challenge to obtain. Plus they're only 5 points, so if you miss a day it isn't a big deal. But watch out for Christmas day ...
**NOTE 2**
Some people have noticed that you can see all the artwork after I update the file. Just clear your cache, and it should work fine.
**NOTE 3**
If you're looking at this at some time after Christmas (January onwards), you're out of luck! (Why, did you think earning medals was going to be as easy as clicking some buttons? Naff off). The only time you can earn medals is during December. This is a Christmas collab, after all.