NG Sketchbook Tour 08


This is the third year I ran this project, it basically consists of mailing out pages from a sketchbook tour to different users all over the globe. They provide the artwork and mail the page back.
Eventually the pages are brought back into the original sketchbook and you are left with a collaborative project done the old school way. This is the online rendition of the result of months and much legwork and stamp licking.

This one took a bit longer to put together than previous years, as this is the first time I dove into dealing with over 100 participants. All in all, it was great deal of fun seeing what people came up with and I hope you enjoy the result of it.

I do like that this sketchbook tour drew to a close at the end of 2008, i felt that it provides a nice time capsule/snapshot of each of these artists for that year. See Ya next year!!

Heres some links to the past sketchbook tours, if youre interested to see how they've evolved.

Sketchbook Tour 2007 /portal/view/402884

Sketchbook Tour 2006 /portal/view/328182