Niho, Mika and Ming doll+

Yep, all three critter girls are featured in this doll! =)
Alrighty, this is my first doll drawn and encoded entirely in flash, as opposed to my previous works which import compiled pixel art into flash format. I've already created a Niho doll before so now I created a doll with multiple bases, and you can now switch to whichever critter appeals to you the most!
Also, since I was making a multiple-character doll, I opted to include someone else here... Her character design was already finalized since I've been away from dA, and this would be her first-ever appearance! You need to find her first though..
:bulletgreen: Notes/Features :bulletgreen:
- click the "glowing orb" to open the character select menu
- click on Niho & Mika's headbands to change the color
- click on the mouth to change it to a grin/smile
- the reset button's pretty self-explanatory =p
- snap-on clothing
- multiple bases w/ color schemes
- animated portraits
- short bios
- bonus content, speaking of which...
HIDDEN CHARACTER HINT: You'll notice there's a "?" square in the character select menu, and it'll say you need 4 items. You cannot find all 4 with just one character because Niho, Mika and Ming-ming's wardrobe each hides at least one item. In other words, switch between characters and then hunt for those hidden items! Good luck!!
:bulletred:Edit (Jan 2014) - Since she has gotten a few pics already over the years, the 4th character is not exactly a secret anymore. For those who are really stuck unlocking her, just check the hint below: