Noodle pict Coloring Tutorial

It's finished. Never had I thought making a tutorial would be so complicated... well, I did have to recreate quite a few of the steps. I forgot to screenshoot vair many things! D;
Hopefully you can learn a thing or two from this. Or in the very least enjoy it a little. (:
And remember that I mean no harm if any of this goes against your coloring concepts. This is a tutorial about my way of coloring. Everybody has their own style and yadiyadiyada...
Just so that noone gets upset. :ohnoes:
Photoshop and Flash
Noodle (C) Albarn and Hewlett
Noticed that the disclaimer link doesn't work, but I just don't have the patience to fix it again... it's been screwing with me many times, that pompous little piece of pixel! D:< Basicly, it's saying that I don't own the Gorillaz. Period. :>