Oni Yu Can Scare Them


Ludum Dare 33 entry.

Terrify innocent villagers by possessing everything!

Author Comments:

At last!
After 1000 years, I, The Great Demon Lord, have risen from my slumber!

Nobody remembers me! 1000 years is a long time and it seems that history has completely forgotten my existence!
Oni Yu, you must remind everyone why I am THE Demon Lord!
Go out to the villages and give them a scare, so that I, The Demon Lord, Ruler of All That is Unholy and Evil, can return to a bit more of an appropriate reception for a monster of my stature!


Move with the arrow keys, hit A to jump and interact with cutscenes, and hit S to possess stuff. The game does require patience, but trust us, you're in for a good laugh!
Made in three days for Ludum Dare 33.


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Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: Troisnyx
Language: en
Year: 2015