Orctober Tuskbuddy Exchange 2015 Avatar Creator


How's that for a mouthful? Basically, I'm going to be putting little avatars on the results page this year, and here is the creator for them. Go nuts! For anybody who plans to participate this year, make your perfect orc and then copy the code. When you submit your entries (once submissions are open, not now), you can give me the code, and that'll be your own personal orc for the event!

And for everybody else - there may not be convenient ways for you to save the results, but feel free to do what you like with any orcs you create with this tool. Go nuts as well.


Now you can paste other peoples' codes into the code window and press "Process Code" to see other peoples' orcs!

Also please note that posting a code here does not constitute entry into the tuskbuddy exchange, but I'm glad you guys are having fun with it.


Updated the file again to fix a bug with dick processing. I can't believe I just said that sentence.


Further update fixing issues with bodyparts desynchronizing when processing codes, and getting strange results when spaces are included in the input code.