Osmosis Jones Microorganism Maker

Dear god I hope this works for everyone X_x I apologize in advance if you're hearing the Mario Star theme and seeing flashing colors, or a drag queen wearing absolutely everything in the maker, lmao.
My final project for college last year was to make an interactive game in Adobe Flash. I got it to work to a point and I still got my A, but it wasn't done. I picked it up every now and then for the past year and here it is. I'm finally finished with it.
Why Osmosis Jones? Even if you don't like the movie, you must admit the world they came up with is SO much fun. I'm in love with the character designs, and I only wish I could've made this dollmaker as diverse as they are in the film. Like, I would've loved to have a 4-arm option to make more germ characters, or maybe some way to make Pill characters an option as well… I especially would have loved to make a Boy section as well, but that means twice as much work X|. While Osmosis Jones is a boyish movie, the fandom is overrun by girls. As is the dollmaker community. So girl it was. Genderbend your hearts out, lol
If you want to post the characters you make on DA or anywhere else, go right ahead! BUT PLEASE LEAVE A LINK BACK TO THE GAME! That way your friends can play too!
Osmosis Jones is (c) to Warner Bros