Oti's Halloween Cookies

This year sweet chef Oti's planning to spoil all those tiny trick-or-treaters stopping by her house with some spooky yum yum Halloween cookies instead of the standard tasty candies! Would you care lending her a helping hand in the kitchen, enjoying what looks looks like one of the most inspiring Halloween cooking games online?
Take your apron off the hook, for it's baking time, Halloween is almost knocking at lovely chef Oti's door, you know! First, make sure you pour all the ingredients needed for the dough into that large bowl on your screen, mixing them now and then, as suggested to you through the on-screen orange arrow. You'll need to drop in some fresh, creamy butter, to add two spoons of flour, too, then to blend them all together, moving your cursor along the onscreen arrow, then add a few drops of vanilla, as well, some, flour, too... Have you ever played other Halloween cooking games more engaging than Oti's Halloween Cookies here? Keep pouring and mixing till you get your cookie dough ready to be... placed into the baking tray. Still, first divide the dough into several little round shapes and place them into the tray, but not before you've greased it with butter, of course. Put the tasty round-shaped pieces of dough into the oven for a couple of seconds and next... celebrate Halloween by decorating your freshly backed cookies with scary-tasty, spooky-cute ghosts, chocolate made bats, caramel spiderwebs icings and so on, then adding some equally spookish toppers, as well!
If Halloween cooking games are the type of games that you're “hunting” at this time of year, you're on the right website: on Rainbowdressup we're hosting plenty of Halloweenish cooking tutorials for you!