Out of Hand

Touching interfaces that keep us out of reach yet perpetually connected and forever desiring...
After creating the original Out of Touch piece for San Francisco Museum of Modern Art's Open Space, I wanted to develop the ideas further as an ongoing project of playable media for live performance. An example of my first I/O OOT performer interface is shown below. It includes Out of Touch plus two interactive pieces, Out of Hand and Out of Sight, which I perform live. You're welcome to play with them too.
var performance:Array = ["Out_of_Touch","Out_of_Hand","Out_of_Sight"];
var audience = new eventAudience();
performance.addEventListener(LiveEvent.START, onEventPerform);
function onEventPerform(event.ProgressEvent):void {
var listeners:Number = event.bytesLoaded / audience.size;
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, getPerformance);
function getPerformance(event.LiveEvent):void {