Pacman's Revenge!

The game is glitched to where if you press left when you start, it breaks.
1. 1 ticket = 1 play
2. Use arrow keys to manuever
3. Eat the ghosts!
4. Fill entire screen with pacman to win
5. Winner gets 5 points
We found the snake tutorial with all the code via Chris's DP. With the basic code, we could then go in and make small changes that helped the game become unique. Our main dilemma was making a larger playing area. Once we figured it out we could then focus on changing the block size and speed of the game. At first we had our snake grow by 1000 pieces every time he ate a piece of food. But our classmates provided feedback based on how the game played and we changed the number from 1000 to 10. Below this is the piece of tutorial code. And below it is the changed code. We changed the code in order to make the game larger, and more fun to play.