
Pandemic : evolve your own virus and wipe out man kind!
Author Comments:
Evolve, Infect, Kill! Pandemic is a game where you get to evolve you own biological virus and wipe out mankind! Please read instructions on how to play the game! West Europe is completely able to be infected, its just hard. May be dangerous to play if you are epileptic. You get points based on number of newly infected people after a turn. For your first few turns you will not receive any points.
--May 10th 2008--
Wow, thanks to everyone for the awesome reviews, and thanks to NG for the Tank Award nomination! Many people have been wishing for more features. I'm happy to say I'm working on Pandemic 2 at the moment, and it's feature list is massive. The game will make this (the original) look small and shallow in comparison.
--March 2nd 2008--
Thanks to everyone who has liked the game! And thanks to Tom for including it in Portal history of 2007 !!
--Jan 25th 2007--
Wow, front page !! Thanks a lot Tom, and thanks to everyone who has liked the game !