Pasta Heroes

Defeat 25 waves of vicious rats, buy new weapons and cats, gain higher skill levels on every weapon.
Next weapon: Right arrow or D
Previous weapon: Left arrow or A
Rats are of different types, and you must choose wisely which ones to shoot first to not waste bullets.
Depressed (blue) rats: Slow but high hitpoints.
Albino (white) rats: Loose health on their own.
Communist (red) rat: Hitpoints depend on how many other rats are on screen.
Atomic (green) rat: Hitpoints increase over time.
Ninja (black) rat: Sometimes invisible, might kill your cats.
Please leave some feedback!
Edit July 7: New menu and backgrounds.
Edit July 6 v2: Total scoreboard should update after each level, redid the ingame interface, higher difficulty gives score boost, lost levels can be replayed when not on "hard", hitpoints are the same on all difficulty levels (but easier gives more money and more rats can go inside), removed shooting delay for all handguns.
Edit July 6: Thanks to everyone for having made my game pass! The first 6 Levels are shorter now, and pillows are introduced sooner. I halved the number of rats and doubled the score points to keep the leaderboard. Next update with a new interface and the option to replay after loosing coming soon!