Pico: Will It Slice?


Update: Thank you for the frontpage Tom!

TO CHANGE CONTROLS: On the "Instructions" page, you can change the keys if you click the key label or selection.

This is the second step in my "Will It Slice?" series. First one: "Madness: Will It Slice?" (More challenging) http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/605279
Still not the "full" game that I envisioned but it's getting there. The progress may not seem much on the surface but I've made a lot of progress on the engine side. Only a few are implemented until some issues are fixed but it's getting there. :)

It's a fan game of "Pico's School": http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/310349 created for Pico Day 2014, hence the "nostalgia style", LOL :)

So, what is the game about? In short, life slices by when you're having fun!
You, Pico, is back in school. But who else is there? For the rest, play the game. Now! :D

If you really want to know, you have a weapon that can not only shoot but SLICE enemies! ;)


Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: io3creations
Language: en
Year: 2014