Pinkie Pie Adventure

well it took a whole day to make but i got this game done
NOTE: this is NOT project friend this is just a tiny flash game i made. I was going to do alot more but i didn't if this reaches my goal i will make a sequel with everything i had planned. This is also my first game so please be nice about it but i would like you to tell me what i should improve in. I know that rarity's stage background is fluttershy's house but i couldn't find her dress shop at all. Also i have hidden something in each level can you find them? Music belongs to infinitydash here: [link] sprites belong to: :icondeathpwny: and :icondmn666:
STORY: a wierd spell has hit the mane six shrinking them and covering ponyville in blocks. A light hit them to turning them into statues, but pinkie's senses helped her dodge the lights and now she must save her friends!
I am working on the sequel but i need help for backgrounds and sprites if anyone would like to help me.
Jan 9, 2012 - New wall slide animation and the collision box is now more user friendly
Jan 10, 2012 - More glitches fixed in the game as well as 5 new levels NOTE - the new levels are highly advanced and will cause many pain and frustration make sure you are prepared for a major challenge
Jan 14, 2012 - now you don't have to listen to the MLP theme repeatedly now. Each stage now has it's own set song by rainbowcrash88 [link] from winter wrap up to art of the dress and some glitches have been fixed such as the wall glitch alot of people have been telling me about
Feb 29, 2012 - final big update now you have a title screen and control options for those having control trouble in the past and still the old controls for those who don't like change and when you beat the game you will be sent back to the title screen so now more refreshing. now that this is done now all of my effort will be put into the sequel. enjoy i will fix smal problems and game breaking problems if they come up on this game. i still want it fun and playable
march 7, 2012 - a few bugs fixed such as the music in sweet apple acres and the title screen is now fixed to start up instead of going straight to options
May 22, 2012 - This game hit EqD this is a proud honor I really must thank everyone who enjoys this game. I am thinking of uploading to newgrounds in the future so the controls can work a bit better since DA isn't really flash game material and all. heres the link to the EqD page [link]
there fixed the camera and the level problem now i got stencyl working again so the sequel is now under full construction now.
May 23, 2012 - the level system and controls have been fixed so you can complete the game now
July 18, 2012 - This game hit Equestria Gaming and you can play it there as well. heres a link. [link]