Pinkie Pie Has a Mustache

Pinkie Pie is going to shoot Applejack out a cannon towards a hornet's nest and now Spike needs to catch her mere seconds before she hits the nest and is stung by a thousand angry hornets. She'll also wear a mustache.
Hold space to charge, release to jump. How many Applejacks can you catch in a row? Beware: as your score increases the game also becomes slightly harder! Avoid the buckets of apples if you don't want to get hurt.
As you can see there are no more preloader ads/logos in this game! Thanks to a whole bunch of generous donators (especially to *[blackfeenix]( the first donation goal was met and I can now make ad-free pony games! Hooray! I'll be redoing the older games to remove the ads and such later this week. Downloadable versions will appear after the season is over.
Still, though, I could use more bits so I can get out to more conventions and sell more pony things. So if you're interested go and buy some pony swag from my store! [link](