Pinky's Dungeon Escape

Submitted to Game in Ten Days (GiTD) #24. The theme was "Only One Level".
You can’t use the ladders at the beginning, you need the first upgrade to do that.
The game starts with music and sounds muted. You can turn them on in the Options room or by right-clicking.
All keys are customizable in the options room or reset by right-clicking. The default keys are:
[Left Arrow] Move left
[Right Arrow] Move right
[Up Arrow] Climb up
[Down Arrow] Climb down (double tap to let go from ladder)
[Space Bar] Jump
[S] Kill Pinky and return to the last checkpoint (you’ll keep everything when you die, but will suffer a 10 seconds penalty in your time)
[P] Pause gameDescription
Made in less than 10 days for GiTD#24
Help Pinky, the pink square, to get out of that dangerous dungeon! Collect body parts, footwear and steroids, along with 20 gems, to make his exit possible!
The game is HARD, but it’s fun when the frustration of dying several times on the same spike passes, I promise =)
A brief walkthrough